Taken from further back, this picture provides a better sense of the overall size and construction of the screen. Note the missing panels on the right side of the screen and the top of a swing set peeking over the wall.
This picture was taken from across the street. The Buckhorn Mini-Storage sign is visible in this picture.
Yet another view from across the road. Note the top left of the screen is also missing a section.
This is a close-up view of a lighted display box at the base of the screen. Could movie posters have been displayed here?
Classic Neon! This is a view of part of the remains of the
Buckhorn's neon sign.
Click here for a much larger image!
This picture shows the other side of the sign.
Click here for a much larger image!
This picture shows the base of the screen. Over engineered? Also, check out the creosote that has "drained" out of the poles over time. Can you say 'Hot Texas Summer'?