The Vegas Drive-In Theater (AKA The Vegas 6) Las Vegas, Nevada

Here is an even better view. The concession stand is on the first floor and the projection booth is on the second floor. Note the odd way the projection booth sticks out on the left of the picture. I'm sure this is the location for the projectors that service Screen 1 (or Screen 6 based on the number painted on the entry lane.) I can well believe that this screen really was Screen 6 and it was "tacked on" later to up the screen count.

Note the rail fences in front of the building. These fences mark the entry lanes to the other screens. That's right, if you want to park in the Screen 3, Screen 4 or Screen 5 lots, you must actually drive by the front of the concession stand! Not the safest arrangement for the patrons coming to buy treats!

This is a view of Screen 1 (on the right) and Screen 2 (on the left). There is some light pollution from the casinos in the distance. I think this view highlights how far Screen 1 (or Screen 6 based on the number on the entry lane) is from the rest of the property. The lots are well paved at the theater. Notice the white fence running across the lot from the right to the middle of the picture where it joins with the brown fence. That fence divides the Screen 1 and Screen 2 lots. Think about my directions to this lot from the previous page!

Another view of the concession stand/projection booth. Screen 6 is barely visible behind the building. The property slopes up from the front to the back. This holds down the light pollution in general. The restrooms are placed on the sides of the building. The men's room on the far right and the women's room on the far left. Entry can be gained from inside the concession stand or from the exterior of the building after the concession stand closes.

Here is a view looking back towards the ticket booths. In this view, it is more obvious that the exit lanes are between ticket booths 2 and 3. Could ticket booth 1 have been added later to support Screen 1 (AKA Screen 6)?

You can see Screen 2 and Screen 3 behind the ticket booths.

The property has a massive marquee!

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